SS Jimmy Odyssey "Stripped The Old Bitch"

Piece description from the artist

They stripped the old bitch and patched up her holes,
slapped on a fresh coat of paint and she was ready to go.

Other works by Keith Kern

About Keith Kern

San Carlos, CA

Keith Kern was born in Northern California, 1978. He has been drawing since he crawled out of the womb. He always had a wild imagination and desire to make people laugh. A paper and pencil is all he needed to have an adventure. He was inspired by his Mom’s drawings of Tom & Jerry and Donald Duck, his Grandpa’s wood cartoon carvings and his Grandma’s window Christmas paintings. His Grandma was the most artistic and inspirational person in his life who always told him to follow his dreams.
Keith's childhood was surrounded by insanity. Yelling and fighting was part of everyday life. Art was his escape and imagination was his adventure.
In middle school he had a traditional art class where he learned some good basics but had no interest in learning art history or changing his style. He did not want to be told what to do or how to change. In Highschool he drew comics for the school paper.
Raised by a single Mom from the age of 10, College was not in the equation. When he found this out his dream of becoming a famous Cartoonist quickly vanished, his purpose in life disappeared and he got into trouble.
In 2007 a friend of his referred him to her Step-Mom for a children’s story book she was writing and needed some illustrations done. She hired Keith and his illustrations were published in the book “Clementina and The Hooey Phooey Circus Troupe”. This was a major win in his life, completing a project and accomplishing a dream of being published. He was a dilettante, only dabbling in art with no real artistic goals.
Until April 2012, while attending an Artist Convention that a friend recommended, Keith rehabilitated his failed purpose in life of becoming a well known successful Cartoonist and decided to follow his dreams. He walked away from the Insurance and Advertising career he was in for the last 10 years. Now he creates funny cartoons and post them to his blog, paints murals and draws custom illustrations for Family and Friends. He has a wife and two boys with a baby girl on the way.

See Keith's portfolio here

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