Inner Dialogue

Piece description from the artist

Every year, Montserrat College of Art’s illustration department hosts a show in the school’s main gallery on Cabot Street that allows for students, faculty, and alumni alike to submit various pieces based firmly or loosely around a certain named theme – a theme decided upon beforehand by the illustration faculty. For 2010, the show’s theme was “Zombies”.

This piece is one half of a series I created specifically for the occasion. Looking more for a pointed kind of humor for my work, something that might, perhaps, make my work more accessible or literal (also for the occasion), I ended up landing by the idea of having something obnoxious and blunt – a ridiculous zombie, infirm to the point of comedy, with its inner dialogue splashed boldly above and behind its head – ‘DON’T SHOOT ME’

The show was a hit, and this piece was a topic of conversation for most of that year’s senior illustration classes during that time. It was returned to me with the note that it unofficially won ‘Best in Show‘ among the faculty

Other works by Andrew Marathas

About Andrew Marathas

Brighton, MA

Originally from southern Massachusetts, Andrew has been painting and drawing since an early age. In 2003, he started classes at Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, MA, following a path of various studio and design classes that would eventually lead him to graduating in May of 2007 with a degree in Illustration. Since then, he has been in various shows in and around the Boston area that include select pieces from both his professional and personal work.

His work, mainly on found pieces of wood – often dilapidated or reclaimed – depicts the world around us through bright colors, sharp metaphor, and a curious kind of humor that often finds itself pleasantly tongue in cheek or altogether mysterious. Often shown with the idea of it all being an ongoing series with intrinsic similarities and shared symbolism, there is to be found in the work an implied narrative running through most of the
work that makes either subtle or severe nods to personal endeavors, world issues, and classic themes.

See Andrew's portfolio here

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