'Urgently need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"ART WORK"'

Piece description from the artist

This work utilizes the language of technology and the hard edge of the pixel to questions the role of process and contemplation in contemporary painting. We've all seen digital images trying to look like paintings, but this work is just the opposite. Our culture no longer has the time for contemplation once deemed necessary for paintings, so often we try to quickly reproduce work which once took time and effort. The paintings color and optical effects cause a pause which force the viewer to look more closely and in that pause one may note the conflation of space and the typical instantaneous understanding of an image is halted and the possibility of painting persists.

Other works by Timothy J. Horjus

About Timothy J. Horjus

Baltimore, MD

Timothy Horjus was born in 1978 in Louisville, Kentucky. After receiving his B.A. in 2000, Timothy went on to teach art. He later moved to Baltimore to attend the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), where he received a Post-Baccalaureate certificate. Timothy continued his education at the University of Maryland College Park, where he earned his M.F.A. in May 2010. While he was there he also received the Ann Truitt Fellowship, as well as the David C. Driskell teaching award.
Timothy now divides his time between teaching at MICA, working in his studio practice, running his construction company, and reveling in his family.

See Timothy J.'s portfolio here

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