Pulling Together

Piece description from the artist

These horses are working together, pulling their loads in unison.
I painted them surrounded by things on the farm – wagon wheels, bails of hay, sunflowers, and apples. I tried to create a painting that would evoke memories of days gone by when it seemed we were all pulling together.

Other works by Brenda Bergen

About Brenda Bergen

Storrs, CT

I've always painted. I was the kid who started an Art Club in school, won all the art contests, decorated the bulletin boards…
I'm sure you know the type. ;-)
When it was time for college, I studied art in Missouri, Alaska, Maine, Connecticut and Europe. Eventually I earned a BS in Studio Art & Art History in CT, which is where I have lived all my adult life.
I am so lucky – I paint every day and sell my work online. I've sold hundreds of paintings on ebay and etsy. I also sell my work locally and teach watercolor painting at a shop near my house. So, I'm never bored! I paint whimsical images that make me smile, and hopefully, they will make you smile too!
I so love and appreciate my art collectors!

See Brenda's portfolio here

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