Inversion of Material

Piece description from the artist

Inversion of Material is an inversion of a the triptych capstone pieces from The Key Collection. Produced by Daren Todd, released at Art Larger Than Me Studios in Portland Oregon in Summer 2022 the collection is based around the iconography of an everyday key. Daren has taken the shapely building blocks of an item and broken them down into three dozen works of art in various forms and sizes, each complete with a pair, or a set, or a through line, kind of like a set of brightly colored, abstract geometric Matryoshka dolls.

One of triptych capstone, "Inversion of Material" takes the themes color palette of the Key Collection and turns it on its head.

Other works by Daren Todd

About Daren Todd

Milwaukie, OR

Daren Todd is a Portland based creative whose artistic practice focuses on painting, murals, and digital design. Daren owns Art Larger Than Me, a fine-art and art merchandise business that supports his creative practice. He works as the curator for The Downstairs Gallery, an art gallery in downtown Portland, Oregon that seeks to provide support for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ artists, and artists with disabilities, and their creative practices. Daren’s work currently focuses on abstract expressionism and graphic portraiture, and the juxtaposition of both styles into cohesive paintings and designs.

See Daren's portfolio here

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