
Piece description from the artist

In Camping the figures have driven to the remote wilderness in a smart car, which lessens the impact of their drive on the environment, but leaves them exposed to the natural elements as they try to sleep into the day. Usually campers arrive with plenty of gear to protect themselves, but this couple seems to be without. It is unclear if they are unprepared or if they prefer to experience nature without the comforts campers usually bring.

Camping is a part of the Nature Series, which was initially inspired by the various cultural signifiers that help us feel like we impact nature less than we do, such as goods packaged in brown paper. I found it interesting that the small environmental benefit of not using bleached paper packaging could be a reason to buy something or even pay a premium. Regardless of how they are made, even “natural” products are still something that we consume that change our surroundings. Although we buy these products as a gesture of our concern for nature, we still put tremendous effort into keeping nature out of our own living spaces. Ultimately, buying these products is just another way of exerting control as if we can decide exactly what and where nature is allowed to be.

Other works by Rine Boyer

About Rine Boyer

Chicago, IL

After receiving her B.A. from Reed College, Rine Boyer moved to Chicago, where she currently works out of her studio in Bridgeport’s Zhou B Art Center. She regularly participates in local shows, her most recent being a solo exhibition at Old Town Art Center. Rine's work recieved an honorable mention at the Rockford Midwestern juried exhibition held at the Rockford Art Museum, and has been reviewed by Newcity, Gaper’s Block, and

See Rine's portfolio here

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