Barnegat Light, NJ

Piece description from the artist

Barnegat Lighthouse on the northern tip of Long Beach Island in Ocean County was regarded as one of the most crucial "change of course" points for coastal vessels. Vessels bound to and from New York along the New Jersey coastline depended on Barnegat Lighthouse to avoid the shoals extending from the shoreline.

Other works by Louise Rosand

About Louise Rosand

Laconia, NH

After receiving an old Argus camera from an uncle after moving to New Hampshire in my twenties, self-taught photography became an avocation for the next 40+ years of my life. Getting a canoe, then a kayak, in the middle of those years, made nature more accessible. Landscapes, scenic views, birds and flowers were finding their way into my viewfinder until thousands of slides and photographs filled my file cabinets. Now I use a digital SLR but still photograph only what pleases me, which I hope will please you, too.
There is little to no digital enhancing done on my prints, but when I do do it, you will know.

See Louise's portfolio here

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