Haydee's interest lies not so much in the concerted creation of a narrative, but in its discovery. Blending figurative and abstract elements, she hopes to provoke a constant flux of responses, allowing the viewer to access the very same play between different interpretative possibilities that fuels her own creative processes.
Through her work, Haydee seeks to explore the intricacies of our relationship to the body, while also investigating the tensions which arise between illusory pictorial space and the construction of concrete, tangible images. Fascinated with the formal processes of painting, she likes to let the interplay of materials guide her, nudging her along whichever path they seem to be carving.
She believes an openness to the possibilities of chance, and the development of a keen awareness of the peculiarities and particularities of materials is key to freeing the image from the constraints of traditional narratives and schemes. By drawing attention to the process of image construction, she hopes that each viewer will discover a more personalized and, perhaps, more meaningful narrative than what a singular interpretative framework could ever hope to provide. It is her hope that this confrontation between fixity and play, between tradition and the personal, allows each viewer to cultivate a more intimate relationship with images and art.
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