To Be One With the River, Part II

Piece description from the artist

She begins to submerge her head. Once completely underwater, she exhales and her glub, glub, glub joins the now disjointed and distant pounding of Robert’s fist on the door and Daniel’s persistent and pitiful screaming. She opens her eyes under the water, staring up at the misshapen white bubbles on the top of the bath. Some of the lavender liquid dances on the top of the water; it has yet to turn into frothy bubbles.

Beneath them, she smiles despite the water filling her mouth. She longs to stay under forever, but she is not sure how long she can hold her breath. Maybe I can hold it forever, she thinks. I never want to leave.

Other works by Casey David

About Casey David

Minneapolis, MN

Casey David is a self-taught photographer from Birmingham, Alabama, though he has recently relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota. He finds magic in the surreal and creates images of magical realism by bringing every day inanimate objects to life. With the worlds he creates, he hopes to spark hope in others that magic still exists in this one.

His fine art photography has been featured in various magazines, online and off, including The Huffington Post, Italian Vogue, and the BBC.

See Casey's portfolio here

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