The Ki Boys

Piece description from the artist

An evolution from The Line Wars series, The Battlefield Landscape paintings employ the concepts of war on the process of painting itself. I attack my own paintings by adding fantastical elements onto historical imagery or strategically invade my landscapes by drawing armies on the surface following its topographical formations, eventually turning tranquil natural sceneries into potential battlefields.

Other works by Ernest Concepcion

About Ernest Concepcion

Brooklyn, NY

Ernest Concepcion was born in Manila, Philippines—where he received his B.F.A.—and moved to the United States in 2002.

It was in the lonely town of Englewood, New Jersey, where he began “The Line Wars,” a series of black and white drawings depicting opposing forces engaged in ridiculous battle based on the entertainments of childhood and adolescence. He then moved to Brooklyn and participated in a number of art residencies.

After extensive studio time and experimentation, he broke away from a formulaic style of drawing and began exploring different approaches to conflict. This exploration resulted in an entirely new series of works that includes paintings, sculptures and installations. Now with a significant body of work, Concepcion exhibits widely both here and abroad.

See Ernest's portfolio here

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