The Candidate.

Piece description from the artist

Photograph of presidential candidate Barack Obama on television, printed on aluminum.

Other works by Patrick Donahue

About Patrick Donahue

New Milford, CT

Patrick Donahue is an artist working with photography, painting, sculpture and printmaking. His art considers the space where these various worlds, and his own, overlap, intersect and abut. Paintings of temporary sculptures, abstract photographs of unfinished paintings, and prints made from collaged cardboard are a few examples of his diverse oeuvre.

As an accomplished professional photographer with a commercial portfolio ranging from celebrities to skyscrapers, Patrick takes a more playful approach to making personal work. His pieces include photographs taken through a toy kaleidoscope, portraits of toy dinosaurs, photographs taken while watching television, and images made in the dark during a storm-induced blackout.

Patrick was born and raised in Philly, followed by a decade in the Bay Area. He currently resides in Litchfield County, Connecticut with his wife and newborn son. His work has been exhibited in regional galleries in San Francisco, New York City, and suburban Connecticut.

See Patrick's portfolio here

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