S. Ward: Crazy Quirky Amore

Piece description from the artist

Nerd Meets World is an American art series of paintings that chronicles the coming of age events and everyday love-lessons of Spencer Q. Ward, a zany nerd with large thick coke bottle glasses, outrageous rosy polka dotted trousers and an audacious collection of grandma knitted ribbed sweaters, through his freshman year to graduation at Eachville High.

Other works by Jamaal Eversley

About Jamaal Eversley

Randolph, MA

Jamaal Eversley, born in 1988, hails from Randolph, MA. With a business leadership degree in hand, from Babson College, he has decided to chase after his dreams and passionately pursue his talents as an eccentric abstract artist and intertwine business with the arts in order to serve the community. Jamaal's art strives to be rich, vibrant and colorful. Each color combination is chosen to convey a certain color harmony be it soothing or exciting to the viewer’s eyes. It’s about making bold color choices to capture attention, kindle emotions and evoke a response from the viewer. His current choice for minimalist pop abstraction is to break down art to its simplest form in order to bring out the power of its relatability. Jamaal creates this art in order to spur the juices of creative genius and put the “F” meant for “Fun” back into Fine Arts.

See Jamaal's portfolio here

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