Pointe B

Piece description from the artist

The artist of this piece, Pam Rice, believes that painting, as an art form, should go beyond the reproduction of a photograph. The irregularities, brush strokes, and unique texture give the art a quality that cannot be achieved in photography. Pam attended the Art Institute of Chicago which in the last decade produced the most Fulbright Scholars among all art and design schools.

Other works by Pamela C Rice

About Pamela C Rice

Chicago, IL

Pam Rice knew from a very early age that she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps by becoming a designer. She decided to pursue a career in visual communications and majored in Advertising Design at "SAIC":http://www.saic.edu/ and Columbia.

True to her ambition, Rice is now an award-winning free-lance designer, but her 'fine art' is and always has been a deep and abiding passion. Pam has had works featured in numerous Chicago-area galleries, including three one-woman shows, and has also published two books about her artwork.

In addition, Pam regularly donates her time and resources to various non-profit groups. She was recently awarded with the Distinguished Service Award from the "Family Service of South Lake County":http://www.fsslc.org/ and has been honored for her service with many other deserving organizations.

See Pamela C's portfolio here

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