
Piece description from the artist

With a background in biology and a career in biological research, I bring to my art an interest in the patterns, forces, and relationships that underlie the structure of organic form. My paintings are based in nature, but my intent is to make visible that which is invisible. Nature is not static, but constantly changing, adapting, subject to powerful forces and laws that are not immediately apparent. I am interested in combining dynamic energy and organic form, attempting to reach a harmonic coexistence between the two.

This painting is based on an image that I acquired years ago and return to frequently. The original image was a computer mapping of the electromagnetic energy at the earth’s core. This image appeals to my love of line and the sense of “potential” energy stored within each line.

Other works by Nancy Wood

About Nancy Wood

Somerville, MA

Nancy Wood's desire to pursue art more seriously evolved over time, having initially studied biology in college and later attending art school. As a biologist she was attracted to patterns in nature and the underlying structure of organic form. That interest ultimately led to her desire to explore these ideas in painting, using the principles of growth and geometry to build her compositions. She ia a Somerville Arts Grant recipient and as a member of Galatea Fine Arts in Boston had a solo show, "Shaping Space" in 2019. Her recent work is an investigation of Geometric Abstraction inspired by Japanese geometrical and optical art and the repetition of forms at different scales to create movement. Nancy is inspired by the works of Piet Mondrian, Malevich, and Rothko as well as geometric pattern-based artwork found in Islamic and Japanese design. Nancy also draws inspiration from contemporary artists including Xylor Jane and Sean Scully.

See Nancy's portfolio here

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