Jasper's Jump

Piece description from the artist

This was taken in Chicago on the roof of a hotel full of musicians in town for a festival. Jasper James, one of the headliners that night, took flight in a fantasticly spontaneous leap for a brief moment in the frenzy of energy. This is what it looked like when her feet touched down again.

Other works by Darcy Totten

About Darcy Totten

Sacramento, CA

Darcy Totten is a film producer and documentary photographer with an extensive interest in performance-based subcultures in America. She has done extensive documentary projects on Austin, TX Drag Kings, New York Fashion Week, sex workers and underground musicians/DJ's.

Her exacting nature and exquisite eye for detail are the backbone of her approach to any project, making stunning visual sensibilities mixed with clockwork precision the hallmark of any project she approaches.

Darcy has worked with fashion and celebrity photographers from all across the globe to produce some of the most stunning commercial imagery available today for Corbis, Prosper, Nylon, thewashingtonpost.com, Vice, Bizarre and others.

She holds an M.A. in Photojournalism from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.A. in Studio Art Photography from Mills College.

Darcy Totten lives and works in New York City and California.

See Darcy's portfolio here

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