
Piece description from the artist

A photo taken in 1893 by James Mooney of the Bureau of American Ethnology showing Kachinas from the Walpi Pueblo in Arizona was the inspiration for this painting.

Paintings have no beginning or endings… no prefaces, introductions, epilogues. What you see is what you get… the exploration of the painted world. Exploring this work involves theory and practice which come together in the realm of emotion. I attempt to investigate this connection and the social nature of the materials themselves.

Other works by Carol Oneill

About Carol Oneill

Boston, MA

Carol O’Neill is full time painter living and working in the Boston, MA area. Her abstract work ranges from oil to acrylic with mixed media on canvas. Carol’s work concerns itself with non-linear aesthetics rather than narrative themes. A love of poetry and literature have been a profound source informing these images. “By painting sensations, I try to get under the skin of appearances by signifying a closer scrutiny of meaning.”

See Carol's portfolio here

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