
Piece description from the artist

I recently learned that the Old Abandoned Barns neighboring my childhood home in Calvert County, Maryland were torn down and cleared out for a new home being built in the Community. Saddened by the news, I wanted to paint a homage to the barns. I wanted to remember the days when my friends and I would play hide and seek, seek refuge from the rain while playing in the fields, and camp out during the summer. These are just some of the very fond memories I had being young and carefree. A decade after I moved to Virginia, I took a drive to Maryland to see how they were holding up and made them the subject of my First Photography Assignment in College. I received an A on the project, too.
Although there were 4 barns on the property, I painted the largest of the bunch, The Tobacco Barn. Even though the barn is no more, I will always remember the aroma of the drying tobacco, gazing up to the eaves and seeing rows upon rows of hanging tobacco in the rafters, the creaking of the boards when the wind wafted through the walls, and the distant call from my Mother next door telling me it's time to come inside for supper.

Other works by Joelle Cathleen

About Joelle Cathleen

Stafford, VA

While studying studio art at Mary Washington College, Joelle discovered her personal definition of art when she experienced the work of artist Andrew Wyeth. It wasn't the images and scenes that inspired her, but rather how she responded to them, discovering a connection within her soul; it wasn't the physical beauty of his work, but what they represented to her as an individual. In that moment, Joelle realized that she wanted to do the same with her own work, arresting motion for her viewers.

Joelle believes that art is an enigma that lives and breathes inside every human being, waiting to be fostered into various modes of expression. Regardless of whether it's something heard, seen, smelled, felt or even dreamed, art is an inspiring force void of physical representations. Art is a response, from both the artist and the viewer. It is personal and unique and that is what makes art so difficult to officially define. Art is what each individual makes of it. Whether it summons a faded memory, fear, vision, inspiration or even a simple nod and a smile, art is born when the gratification of the artist's intent is met with the personal response of the viewer. Nevertheless, the soul's response is what ultimately defines art.

As an artist, Joelle's purpose is to communicate; to reveal something new in what we as a society see, hear, think and feel around ourselves every day.

See Joelle's portfolio here

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