Girl With Glasses

Piece description from the artist

I don't usually paint celebrities. I mean, who's going to buy a painting of Madonna except maybe Madonna herself? Most of my subjects are local models and other people I know from the fashion industry.

Other works by Cameron Mikovich

About Cameron Mikovich

Jerome, ID

Cameron Mikovich is a leading painter among a new generation of artist creating the "Neo-pop": movement.

Like "Roy Litchenstien": and "Andy Warhol": during the 1960's, Mikovich works with images and techniques culled from popular culture and the commercial arts. His work, however, expresses the unique sensibilities of our own times.

Mikovich's hand-painted images portray some of the gods and demons that populate our world of mass culture, and a new aesthetic that combines formalism and realism in the forging of a "Neo-pop": style.

See Cameron's portfolio here

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