Girl with Lamb

Piece description from the artist

Born into one of the largest intentional communities in the U.S., The Farm, I grew up a spiritual communist within a capitalist country. It was a living experiment; what happens when 1600+ people create a community without government, without money, off of the grid, growing organic food, promoting natural childbirth and zen philosophies? These experiences inform who I am and the art that I make.

Other works by Lisa Knoop

About Lisa Knoop

San Francisco, CA

Lisa Knoop is a visual artist living and working in San Francisco, California. She received a B.A. in fine arts and a B.A. in psychology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has continued her artistic training with independent studies under "Claire Gavronsky": and "Rose Shakinovsky":; attending workshops, teacher trainings, residencies and cultural exchanges in Montagnana, Italy, Capetown, South Africa, Berkeley, and San Francisco, California.

See Lisa's portfolio here

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