Cowgirl Autumn

Piece description from the artist

"Cowgirl Autumn"

A cowgirl rides on her paint horse over dry fall grass. She carries a rifle, resting on her shoulder as she glances to right of the scene as if she spotted something in the distance. Around her trees sport their autumn foliage underneath a deep blue sky.

This is my first image to feature a cowgirl. In preparing for it, I look at hundreds of images of cowgirls. Most of them were wildly silly in appearance. I wanted to go for something a bit more historically acurate. So I went to the old photos of the American Wild West. There are acutally not that many depicting cowgirls. The ones I did find though usually had them wearing long dark skirts and light blouses. None of the ridiculous frilly vests, rhinestones, and overly tight chaps you seem to get with modern costumes.

I made this using a variety of digital art techniques such as 3D rendering and digital painting.

Thanks for looking,

Other works by Daniel Eskridge

About Daniel Eskridge

Marietta, GA

Daniel is a forty-something living in the Metro-Atlanta area, and he is one of the few people who was actually born and raised there. He is also married and has two sons and a daughter. By day, he works as software engineer at a small company. By night he is an artist producing realist works depicting scenes of American wildlife, farm animals, fantasy scenes, extinct animals, and images of the "American Wild West":

Daniel has dual degrees in computer science and fine art from the University of Georgia. Given his education, it would seem only natural for him to combine the two by producing art using a computer. Daniel practices a new form of art called "3D Rendering":, a form of virtual sculpting with a computer. This form of art is utilized by film studios for special effects as well as animated movies, but it can be used to make stills as well. "Check out this video of Daniel creating a 3D rendering!":

Daniel’s interest in art began when he was young. As a fan of science fiction and fantasy novels, he became particularly interested in the works of the illustrators that appeared on the covers, such as "Frank Frazetta": and "Michael Whelan": In college, he discovered the work of the "French Realists":, the "Pre-Raphaelites":, and the "Hudson River School":, which further influenced him and put his work on a course where nature was the dominant theme.

See Daniel's portfolio here

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