Can't Take It With You # 10

Piece description from the artist

“Over the past few years, I have witnessed as my husband’s family navigate the fallout of a relative who passed after a lifetime of what one might lovingly refer to as collecting. This “collecting” was a tendency which fueled the dialogue of many lively family discussions laced with irony, humor, a fair amount of anxiety, a tremendous amount of sarcasm and absolute disbelief. Can’t take it with you is a sentimental, light hearted, humorous, mildly sarcastic, somewhat surreal look at life filled with want, consumption and unbridled attachment to “stuff”."

Other works by Lia Bonagura Transue

About Lia Bonagura Transue

Sonoma, CA

Lia Bonagura-Transue was born and raised in New York City to artist parents. She attended the now famous High School of Music & Art in NYC, studied Design at the California Institute of the Arts and completed her formal education in Illustration and Painting at the Academy of Art in San Francisco.

After a ten year reign as founding director of the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Lia found her way back to her true passion…painting.

Connecting with her deep design & illustrative roots while painting with oil on canvas, Lia infuses highly personal yet commonly shared content with carefully composed, balanced, but often stark graphic representations of our shared reality. Painting about our mutual experiences in this manner exposes the viewer to a deeper, emotionally charged & individualized message.

See Lia's portfolio here

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