Camo car R.I.P.

Piece description from the artist

Once a stately Holden HR station wagon. Now in a state of decay, camouflaged in the undergrowth, she rusts and settles back into the ground from which she came.

Other works by Bruce Stanfield

About Bruce Stanfield

Sudbury, Canada

Born 1963 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Bruce Stanfield has explored a number of creative endeavors, including music, photography, writing, and automobile customization.

Bruce was a musician in his early twenties, playing in garage bands and recording for a record label he co-founded called Suicide City. By his late twenties and early thirties he had become an award winning photographer, with Hamilton city’s largest “drive in”* studio focusing on commercial and industrial work. In addition, he also wrote articles and supplied photographs for national and international magazines.

See Bruce's portfolio here

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