
Piece description from the artist


Other works by Sandie Griffin

About Sandie Griffin

Louisville, KY

Sandie Griffin is both a photographer and a life coach. Together with Kim Torres, her partner in life and creativity, she founded the photography studio "Lucent Dreams":http://lucentdreams.zenfolio.com/. Sandie has recently transitioned from teaching and mentoring teens to life coaching — same job, different clientele.

Together, Sandie and Kim dream of living a simple, debt-free life. Ultimately, they would like to travel the highways and byways, take photos, meet real people and perchance inspire a few of them to pursue the life they truly want.

A portion of the profits from Lucent Dreams will be contributed to cancer research. Sandie and Kim are excited for this opportunity to pay homage to their mothers, who both fought cancer and lost. They believe gifts and blessings are to flow through them freely – something their mothers lived and taught them.

See Sandie's portfolio here

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