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TurningArt Prints

TurningArt prints are high-quality reproductions of original artwork created from very high resolution images provided by the artist.

All of the prints that you receive from TurningArt measure 12"x16", however the original artwork that the print is based upon can be smaller or larger. The actual dimensions of the original artwork are located on the individual artwork page. TurningArt only offers artwork for which the original painting can be scaled to the 12"x16" size with no, or very minimal, cropping (always approved by the artist).

Our prints are specifically designed to fit into any off-the-shelf 16"x20" frame. However if you choose one of our custom-designed frames you'll also get a custom-cut mat for the 12"x16" print, and a frame that is built for frequent rotation of prints (not to mention that we ship your first print framed and ready to hang!). But whichever frame you choose, the combination of print and frame hanging on your wall will measure just under 20"x24".

Our single-size high-quality prints are the most affordable and stress-free way to explore a wide range of artists and styles in the comfort of your home or office - and don't forget, every dollar you spend during your TurningArt subscription earns credit towards the purchase of one of underlying original works.

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TurningArt Prints