Ann Margret

Piece description from the artist

The goal in this piece was to create contrast with color. The vivid reds jump off of the rest of the grey toned canvas. I think typically the figure would be the focal point for this famous portrait, and the birds in her hair an accent. By tweaking the color palette we have flipped the relationship of the two. At least that's what I tell people if I want to appear thoughtful and intelligent; or I could just say, the birds are very pretty.

I used Montana Gold Spray Paints, on a 16″×20″ canvas for this piece. As with all of my canvas pieces, it’s signed on the bottom.

Other works by John Contrado

About John Contrado

Hull, MA

Growing up as the son of an artist, John Contrado spent his entire life surrounded by beauty and creativity. His father's passion and love of art is what inspired John to start creating art of his own.

Spray paint and stencils became a natural fit for John because he is constantly tweaking and fine tuning during the art-making process. When he is designing and cutting stencils, for instance, he can make all the adjustments he wants before the paint ever touches the canvas. John considers this process of stenciling to be ninety percent preparation, and ten percent presentation; if it looks easy or effortless to the casual observer, John feels that he has been successful.

See John's portfolio here

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